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Curing Rett Syndrome: How Do We Get There?

July 27, 2009

On June 28, 2009 the Rett Syndrome Center at The Children’s Hospital at Montefiore in the Bronx hosted a Parent Gathering. The Director of the Center, Dr. Aleksandra Djukic, warmly welcomed the audience and introduced the first of what will be quarterly Gatherings. Dr. Djukic introduced R.E.T.T. (Rethink Education, Therapy & Technology) an engaged group of parents who have designed a survey to gather information to better assess what programs, techniques and settings are most effective for educating individuals with Rett Syndrome. Darcy Minsky followed with some IEP tips to get next year’s educational year off to a good start. The next Gathering will take place on September 27th.

I spoke about an issue that is dear to the heart of anyone who loves a child with Rett Syndrome: How do we get to a cure? The presentation, which is about an hour in length, highlights the key research discoveries of the last decade and lays out the current thinking on treatment/cure approaches in easy to understand language. The presentation is divided into four sections:

• Genetics of Rett Syndrome
• Functions of MECP2
• Reversal
• Treatments and Cures

If you are the parent, relative or friend of a child with Rett Syndrome, I hope this video will give you a glimpse of the excitement that the scientific community feels about the possibilities that lie ahead for our children.

I welcome your thoughts and questions. I can be reached at
